Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Easy to be Said, Not Easy to be Done

Teenagers. They roam around as far as they could to explore life, enjoy, seeking acceptance, yet wasting time as if time never existed. Falling in love, running to places in the heart of emptiness, searching for the meaning of life in different ways, or even stay inside the dark, fearing the world and society will put you down in alienation. Just like me. I live in a world where everybody likes to make sense of everything. But in my case, searching for companion is one of the top priorities. 

Sometimes, searching for companion turns out to be ironic. It is ironic when you think that the person you love have the same feeling for you, but actually he/she doesn't, or still into you, but too tired to stay. No replies, rejecting messages, and unresponsive reply when looking at your face. Although logically this response implies you to let go, sometimes the ego would like to win, because the relationship seems to have mutual connection, where you talk about random stuff for hours, share laughter and good reciprocity, just like in romantic movies. But when the fate doesn't grant your wish, the best escape to run away from problems. 

Running away is the best escape I think, rather than making a fool of yourself by still chasing someone you love, but it will be the worst escape for your soul. The process of self-acceptance is long, and it is okay to look back and cry, as a process of learning, because the best love is the love that you can never receive. That way you will appreciate the meaning of a person's presence, and the meaning of a person's departure. Maybe there is someone who experiences as same as you, however there's no mutual feelings from you either, and you are not willing to be connected to him/her. Try to appreciate them, if you have this kind of experience. Put yourself in their shoes. 

After that look around you. There are many kinds of love that needs to be cherished. The love of family, friends, pet, even unfortunate, innocent children who's in the need of love. Sometimes spending time with someone close to you is the best one. Although your feeling might feel empty, but abundance can be found in other kinds of perspectives. Try to cherish the new cycle of love, no matter how hurtful it is to let go. Probably, the best companion is someone who's right in front of you.

Note: Every people do have different values, so this point-of-view may not applicable to all people. But if there's any experience if this similar feeling, please do share your thoughts.  

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