Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

The Press: Industry and Ideology

            Start from Soekarno era until millennium era, most likely the regulation of media agenda seems similar comparing to book publishing. Pancasila value was like the ‘God’ of regulating the media. The significant difference on this aspect is that political parties have the big involvement on emerging their power to the use of newspapers, because it was proved that during Soekarno era until New Order Regime, printing press was the most powerful medium for society, due to the fact that internet approach was not highly existed.
            According to writer’s opinion, most likely the changes of regulation in press industry seems almost the same as book publishing. The difference is that many journalists gave more protest in freedom of press reports. Just like the riot of Malari on January 15th, many journalists faced a protests that (in the end) left several people in prison, due to the fact that there’s a strict control of information under Soeharto, while he corrupted Indonesia’s economy and resources for the sake of his family. Therefore obviously many journalists also rebelled against Soeharto’s army, as well as built a new organization called AJI (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen).

            In conclusion, writer believes that right now the freedom of press has been widely seized by journalists, even the mass. Many people can have access to post blogs, in addition journalists have less control of what they are saying on the article, although there’s still an editor. It can be seen that nowadays the control of media and regulation couldn’t be strictly controlled anymore. Even if there’s still some fundamental regulations, however people will see other media access that might ‘leak’ to one another, in order to get profit, or trick people; such as posting hoax, and so on. 

Character Analysis of the movie ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ based on Horney’s Theory

         The story of Silver Linings Playbook identifies two unique main characters with different mental problem, where each of them must cope with their mentality, as well as dealing with their surroundings. Those two characters, Pat (Bradley Cooper) and Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), have decided to change themselves into a healthier self, and also learn to gain intimate relationship within one another.
            Pat characteristic in this movie is a bipolar disorder. His behavior become very destructive as soon as her wife, Nikki had an affair with her lover. Pat brutally attack his wife’s lover until severely injured, that he needs to commit the court-ordered-8-month in a psychiatric hospital. This behavior leads him to consume several antidepressants from psychiatrists as well as distracting people, due to the memory of Pat’s wedding song and his bitter memory of seeing the incident. While Tiffany, Pat’s neighbor, has this big issue of promiscuity due to her guilt of his dead husband, when she refused to make love to him for the last couple of months. From these two people who considered as neurotic by society, Tiffany and Pat soon learn to be mature by doing the big therapy for their cure; the freestyle dance. The dance require good teamwork, until they realize that they feel the same intimate attraction. In the end this dance is a cure for them, as well as bringing a happy ending to Pat’s family. This movie teach people that love can conquer all.
            In relation to Horney’s theory, these two couples have both bitter past lives that they have a hard time to cure. Every past memories bring up their “craziness” through their neurotic trends by seeking affection and approval, as well as a new partner to share their lives. In my opinion, based on Horney’s grouped neurotic trends, Pat and Tiffany need to move themselves TOWARD others, which means no matter what illnesses they get they need to deal with the past, although both of them also want to move AWAY from others, by altering thoughts through sex, and brutal acts, due to the fact that their afraid of commitment[1]. The only way to deal with those neurotic trends lies on the shared affection between Pat and Tiffany. Together they help each other to become a better person by giving approval and love. This method can make them feel healthier because they share similar illness, as well as creating a happier relationship with their family.   


Skip Dine Young, P. (2013, February 11). Accuracy, Distortion and Truth In Silver Linings Playbook. Retrieved from Psychology today:

[1] In this case, according to Horney’s theory, both of these couples realize that the world is quite hostile.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

The Difference between CSR and CSV

            Large corporations offer new method of maintaining economic and social growth for their own company. Due to the fact that factories force any labors in different age groups without giving any good impact for labors’ welfare, therefore corporations invent new system for stakeholders, which is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and CSV (Creating Shared Values). These systems aim to promote appreciation to stakeholders for their contribution towards the company, as well as being good by doing good social activities. There are lots of benefits that occur for the company and the people. However there are significant differences between CSR and CSV, although the main goal is the same; to be good for people, and also increasing trust. The reason why CSR and CSV is differentiated because the goals of every social activities can be different according to the company’s code of ethics and choice; which will be explained after this.

            CSR consist of the project where the fundamental aim is to highlight philanthropy actions. The company doesn’t measure specific profits from their social activity, however the main reason of creating CSR is to gain social benefit; such as providing healthcare, education, water irrigation, tree conservation, and so on. This CSR becomes a part of company’s activity as a part of their responsibility when running their company, in order to gain more trust between stakeholders, also the company credibility is increased. On the other hand, CSV relies on gaining profit for the company, at the same time they’re giving social impact to the stakeholders and providing company growth in a long run. For instance, the body shop creates a community fair trade by creating natural products for different countries, and the profit will be given to the company and to the farmers itself. 

Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Movie Analysis of Jeune et Jolie based on Carl Jung’s Theory

             The movie Jeune et Jolie (Young and Beautiful) describes about the life of a 17 year-old Isabelle. She went to a family holiday in South of France, as a part of her birthday party. As she started to gain her new age she met a German guy named Felix, who first became her first person to lose her virginity with. For her first time, just like many women, the result wasn’t quite ‘fulfilling’, until she decided to explore her sexuality by expanding her double life as a call-girl, from her social porn or dating website. She firstly met her first client named Georges, who is about 60 years old above at a hotel. Her exploration soon becomes wild yet overwhelming at times as she experience different clients. On the other hand Georges treats her compassionately, although he paid less amount comparing to other clients; until he died of heart attack when they had sex in the hotel. She panicked and went out, that slowly the police discovered his death, and allegedly suspect her as the murderer. The police then tells Isabelle’s mom, and soon discovered her daughter’s double life.
                In relation to Jung’s theory, it can be seen that Isabelle has her collective unconscious with the cyber world, where she urged to post her nude pictures on the internet, due to the fact that she would like to explore the dangerous world, and her sexual experience. This behavior connects to rebel and explorer archetypes. According to, rebel archetypes willing to push their own boundaries out of societal values and they might just don’t care what other people think. In addition rebel archetype often considered as sexually appealing, yet truly seducing at the same time, just like when Isabelle treat their clients. Most likely, challenge seems like their ‘main word’ in life. On the other hand, explorer tends to discover something new by trying with many different clients, although (in the end) she must leave the world of prostitutes.
If writer looks at this story, the dilemma is that teens have this sense of discovery, which seems ordinary, but in contrary, since we live in a semi-patriarchal world, this job may lead her to become wrecked in terms of her social life. The reason she become a prostitute is that the scene of watching porn movies indicates that the access of internet couldn’t lead people in many age groups to access them, which leads her to experience a considered-immoral life in a very young age. Moreover Isabelle saw her mom, Sylvie, cheats on her friend’s husband when watching a theater with her family, and Sylvie’s friend, who’s her husband is her affair. That’s where she started to lose respect of her, instead of being afraid of Isabelle’s mom after get caught by the police. She only cried because she felt sorry for accidentally kill Georges. This incident still indicates her as a caregiver in some ways, due to the fact that she has kindness, but couldn’t give much for Georges after what he treat in bed.

In conclusion, this movie gives many values to people in many aspects. In terms of parental control, this incident might happen to their children if there’s less awareness. On the other hand this movie might tell that although France is a liberal country, however women couldn’t be respected in their job choice. People still judge her negatively.        

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Persepolis Movie and the Connection to Globalization

             Persepolis is one of the French animated movie, made by Marjane Satrapi, the real main character itself that is very influential to the audience. The movie is based on a true story, and a comic made by Satrapi herself, that tells about her life in Tehran and the war that occurred for many years and how it devastates people socially and culturally. Persepolis can make audience think about the condition in Tehran, Iran and the fate within those people, as well as reflecting the impact of globalization in our country. This movie as well can give different interpretations of globalization, feminism and how globalization influences the future of Iran later on.
                In first scenes there’s a moment that Marjane’s ancestor, the Shah’s father, was persuaded by the English leader to make the country become authoritarian in order to run the country easier. From that moment he made a strict regulation; he made every society obliged solely to his kingdom, and everybody must down with the Shah’s family, and his Sharia & Anti-America regulation, particularly for women; such as no cosmetics, modern outfit, even American music and movies. His dictatorship is negatively acknowledged by Marjane’s family, who mostly were a pro-democratic country, such as Uncle Anoush, who was in prison for 9 years and assassinated several years after. According to writer’s opinion, Marjane’s family is the reflection of the impact of globalization, where they rejected his dreadful laws. This effect of globalization changes (not only Marjane’s family), but also the society itself. They greatly want freedom, although it is not heard due to the fact there was a huge war between Iraq and Iran, and must lost the lives of a loved one.
                As the story continues, the change after Iran and Iraq war finally has finished, however the freedom of the people is still oppressed by the government. It turns out even worse. More women MUST wearing black, long veils (chador to be precise), without asking the opinion for women first. This phenomenon clearly states that there’s a big repression into gender inequality. Women has no right to do any major activity because the government is mostly determined by men, which has this strong patriarchal culture over constructing norms, as well as treating women as a second sex; while on the other hand men can dress as cool as western artists. Moreover, even women in painting class must draw a ‘naked’ body covered by a closed burqa. How crazy is that?? In writer’s perspective, this phenomenon can repress people into become more rebel, and might lose faith in religion, because the use of Sharia and religion isn't because of women’s choice, but because of political purpose.

The impact of globalization isn’t going to affect the whole community, however globalization can create more oppressing culture as well. Not all globalization from the west can greatly change the nation in becoming like them; but globalization can influence people’s perspective on certain social norms.

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

KPPPA dan PUSKAPOL FISIP UI Luncurkan Buku Kerja Untuk Rakyat

         Dok. Jurnal Perempuan

Jumat (26/9) bertempat di Hotel Millenium, Jakarta, Pusat Kajian Politik (PUSKAPOL) FISIP UI bersama Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan anak (KPPPA) meluncurkan buku Kerja Untuk  Rakyat: Profil Anggota DPR dan DPD RI 2014-2019. Buku hasil riset dari para peneliti PUSKAPOL FISIP UI tersebut merupakan buku panduan yang berisi informasi lengkap bagi para anggota DPR dan DPD RI sebelum memulai tugasnya menjalankan amanah rakyat.

Dalam pidato sambutannya Menteri PPPA Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar mengatakan buku panduan tersebut berguna untuk menetapkan komitmen dan menyuarakan kepentingan rakyat agar dapat memberanikan diri untuk menyuarakan haknya. Lebih lanjut Linda mengatakan peningkatan peran perempuan di ranah politik penting dilakukan terlebih terjadi penurunan jumlah anggota perempuan DPD 2014-2019 sebesar tiga persen dan anggota perempuan DPR RI sebesar satu persen.

Acara peluncuran buku dan pemaparan hasil riset ini juga diisi dengan diskusi yang menghadirkan beberapa anggota DPR dan DPD terpilih dari sejumlah daerah di Indonesia seperti Mercy Chriesty Barends dari PDIP (Maluku), Erna Suryani (Demokrat, Kalimantan Barat), Denty Eka Widi Pratiwi (PKP, Jawa Tengah) dan Eni Sumarni anggota DPD (Sumedang). 

(Meganakita D.J.

TEDX Video Review – An Insight of Philosophy

              The video of TEDX comprises many kinds of video, one of them is about how philosophy can connect with technology, even can give wider access to people from different age groups to learn about philosophy. However, it assumes that not many people falls deep into philosophy, due to the fact that this subject emphasizes subjectivity, instead of scientific or logical answers. For instance when you want to buy an iPhone, logically the first thing you would want to know is the specifications, and how iPhone can help you doing with your schoolwork and connect with people. Nevertheless, in Indonesia, many people wants to buy iPhone in order to be cool, and just to ‘fit in’ with people. Although the phone is very expensive and they may not have specific utilities on using iPhone, however they still want to buy iPhone. As a result many people buys iPhone in order to join the community, as well as posting statuses on mainstream social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, and so on. So what does this phenomenon has to do with philosophy? And why do we need to see something deeper about this? Philosophy can give insights to see how people develops until who they are.
                Based on what Amy Leaks said, the philosopher on TEDX, philosophy is like plumbing. It twirls around the house, sometimes when we look at it the pipe flow might be confusing. Plumbing can be broken, but it can be repaired and changed until it is working again. Same like philosophy. People gives different opinion based on personal experiences and shared values, in addition people needs to question the reasons why, because of the dilemmas that people need to face. Although there might be a clash of different opinion among people, in the end people can make a new, different conclusion as a way to perceive the world in a different perspective. The fundamental challenge of learning philosophy is to see the subjectivity, for the reason that life problems aren’t just a rocket science problem and solution. What writer mean is that people has some contradictions as they see a problem. Just look at the problem of buying an iPhone. The price is quite expensive, particularly in Indonesia. The buyer named K grew up in a poor family, who is a conservative Muslim. She works as a customer service but at the same time she needs to provide a living for her family. On the contrary she really wants to buy iPhone in order to make people see her as a cool and credible person in a college society. Her salary couldn’t help her afford iPhone, as a result her mind puts her in a choice whether she needs to add extra shift or being a gold digger as an instant way of boosting her status, although she knows that the society might label her as a whore.

In writer’s opinion, philosophy might shape a person to become a more stable person, or at least rethink of what is the best prophecy or solution to deal with certain ethical dilemmas. It drives people to think more critical in order to get the best solution, and at the same time they need to take a dangerous risk. Also, philosophy helps people understand life better by just seeing the changes in people and when we deal with life decisions.