Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

POSTMO: When Theater World is Mean to You

The audition started when the sun came down. Many contestants were waiting in line for an audition of musical theater, yet some people got nervous. I looked at some people who were apparently are dancers. They were so graceful and sharp when practicing their body before audition, and while everyone had a turn for auditions I felt that they had greatly impressed the judges. While me? I am basically started in fine arts theater, that means I am not yet qualified in singing and dancing. I went to several musical auditions before, and the luck is not on me now. Then I talked to my friend who was sitting next to me, watching one of the contestants singing beautifully, but actually have no feeling with the character. I asked, “How come those contestants have better possibility to be accepted but she didn’t put the character into it?” She replied, “Because they search for people like that. That’s why I would not care if they won’t be accepted.”

The era of postmodernism relies on the drastic state of rebellion against modernism during 1970’s, since the era of modernism gave many disadvantages on people’s lives. Postmodernists believe that people needs more than logic. Moreover they believe in the existence of pluralism, existence of information based on individuals’ critic and point-of-view; from architecture, literature, arts and theater. As a result theater practitioners changed the method from the old style (Brechtian) into the era of modernism and postmodernism (Stanislavski & Antonin Artaud). For instance, during Brechtian era, the acting style of old theaters are mostly implemented mechanically, which means all bodies and facial expressions dominate the stage play. However the acting seems very rigid, therefore Stanislavski implemented the new system of naturalism, where actors focus on interpreting feelings into the character, as well as the world of spontaneous acting.

But what about broadway? According to Dr. Raymond Sener from Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development, Broadway theaters involve less emotional approach, because Broadway focuses on consciousness and much less emotional experience, political criticism and simple entertainment. It is okay because postmodernism takes varieties on many types of theater. That’s why, in Indonesia most musical auditions count more on the style of singing and dancing rather than the acting, while fine art theaters encourage actors to improve acting skills. In additions, most theater auditions aim to find people who are fit in with the character. So, if you are not accepted in an audition, it doesn’t mean that you are not eligible, it’s just that the character doesn’t fit in; and if you want to sign up for an audition, just decide which audition might fit in for you.

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