Rabu, 07 November 2018

German New Wave? Hmm I Should've Known Better

The invention of new wave cinemas did spread across several countries, such as Italy,
German and Great Britain. These movies are mostly made in low budget system, as well as
depicting the rebellion of youngsters back then. According to them, every stories must be a
personal conveyance to the audience. Meaning that films can be made based on their daily lives
and point-of-views of the society, and political system. The most prominent example of this
kind of rebellion is to Germany, because the application of the old system didn’t quite impactful
for the new waves; such as war, dictatorship, and taboo system. Therefore, what makes
German movies in these times differ to other types of new waves films? Here is how it

It started when there was Oberhausen Film Festival in 1962. Twenty-six young
filmmakers declared that the old film is dead. Due to the decay of mainstream movies, after
three years of public debate, the government has finally established Kuratorium Junger Deutsch
Film (“Commission for Young German Film”), and gave free-loans for young filmmakers if the
script is good enough to be filmed. Moreover, as a part of their freedom of speech, many
German films experienced new perspectives of stories, by describing broken marriages, soured
affairs, rebellious youth and casual sex.

This theme relates to the film Baader Meinhof Complex. Although it was released on
2008, however this film described the situation of German rebellion during 1960’s, which was
the terrorist organization, Baader Meinhof Group. The group was considered as a leftist in West
German area, because at that time they were supporting Marxism-Leninism, Anti-Fascism and
Third Worldism ideology. As a result these rebellious acts has changed the way German did
until now.

In conclusion, this type of new wave films pictured the rebellion of youngsters during
the 60’s. As a result this type of film can be accepted by the society because many youngsters
agree with their thought, and had a lot of control from the government. But what about in
Indonesia? C’est au contraire. The influence of religion (specifically Muslims) played a major
role of what societal norms have to be.

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